AIPP (Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program)

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates who want to work and live in one of Canada’s 4 Atlantic Provinces:

Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, New Found Land

This is an employer-driven program designed to help employers in Atlantic Canada hire qualified candidates for jobs they have been unable to fill locally.

You must receive a job offer from a designated employer in Atlantic Canada to participate in the pilot.

  • have a job offer from a designated employer in an Atlantic Province;
  • have a job offer that is full-time and not seasonal;
  • have an offer of employment number (LMIA-exemption number) from your employer;
  • have a Referral Letter issued by one of the Atlantic Provinces, asking us to issue a work permit;
  • commit to apply for permanent residence within 90 days of submitting your work permit application;
  • provide a copy of an approved language test;
  • show that you meet the education requirements;
  • show that you have qualifying work experience, if you’re eligible to apply for the Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled 
  • Program or the Atlantic High-Skilled Program; and
  • meet all other requirements to apply for a work permit.

Your spouse/common law partner can apply for an open work permit